Ben Franklin CNP Reporting System

User Login

Your username is the email address you provided to Ben Franklin.
User Name:
User Name:
Change password after login

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


1. Could you provide an overview of quarterly reporting

Each company that receives Ben Franklin funding is obligated to provide a quarterly update of the progress it has made. A typical Ben Franklin funding cycle runs 12 months from July 1 to June 30 of the following year. Quarterly reports are due for July through September, October through December, January through March, and April through June. Generally, the information for each quarter consists of a progress narrative and financial statements of Ben Franklin and match expenditures. For the Final Report (4th Quarter) some additional information is requested.

2. When are quarterly reports due?

Quarterly reports are due as follows, based on Ben Franklin's Fiscal Year:

Quarter Due Date
1st - July 1 to September 30 October 31
2nd - October 1 to December 30 January 31
3rd - January 1 to March 31 April 30
4th - April 1 to June 30 July 31

3. I forgot my password. How do I get a new one?

At the login prompt, enter your username (your e-mail address) and click on the Forgot Password/Reset Account button. A temporary password will be e-mailed to you. Use that password to login and you will be prompted to enter a new password. Note that temporary passwords are only valid for a short time period. If you get an error that the temporary password has expired, repeat the process of resetting your password.

4. I tried a number of times to enter my password and now I'm locked out. How do I reinstate my account?

Follow the password reset procedure described in #3 above. This will also unlock your account.

5. When I click on a button to do an action, I'm taken to the login page. Why?

The Quarterly Reports system will automatically log you off after a fixed period from your last activity. Even though the last page you worked on is displayed, whenever you take action, your login creditials are verified. If the page has timed out, you will be shown the login page so you can regain access. (NOTE: you will need to navigate back to your original place in the system.)


This page provides access to the Ben Franklin of Central and Northern PA (CNP) Reporting System. To use this site you must have a user name that was supplied by the Center. If you do not have access, but want to find out about the Ben Franklin Partnership please go to our web site at